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5th April 2022
Moyle Migrations, written as the final stage of the Who do you think you are? programme, showcases some of the personal experiences which have helped to form the communities of Rathlin Island, Ballycastle, and the Glens.
Moyle Migrations, created in collaboration by Council’s Museum Services and a group of community volunteers, presents seven case studies featuring stories of loss and heroism, big houses and great poverty. Family mysteries are unravelled, and the region’s international links are explored through stories of immigration, emigration and colonisalism.
Welcoming the publication, Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council, Councillor Richard Holmes said:
“Moyle Migrations is a wonderful example of what happens when we collaborate with our community groups. An enormous amount of time and dedication went into the creation of this booklet and I congratulate all the participants involved for this outstanding piece of work.
“From their feedback, the positive impact of this project is made clear and everyone greatly enjoyed the opportunity to learn more about the area from each other.”
Moyle Migrations was the final part of a wider ‘Who do you think you are?’ programme delivered in partnership with Carey Historical Society, Glens of Antrim Historical Society and Rathlin Development and Community Association. Since 2019, more than 60 participants have taken part, attending talks and training, carrying out DNA sampling and recording oral histories. The programme was supported by the District Council Good Relations Programme, delivered as part of the Executive’s wider ‘Together: Building a United Community strategy.

The Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council, Councillor Richard Holmes, pictured with some of the contributors to the booklet (from left to right): Peter Molloy, Roger Perritt, Nic Wright (Museum Services Community Engagement Officer), Cllr Richard Holmes, Brian Molloy, Brigene Mc Neilly, Geraldine Anslow, Orla Duncan and Donnell O’Loan at Portaneevy Viewpoint looking across the Sea of Moyle to Rathlin Island.
Geraldine Anslow, who participated in the creation of the booklet, said:
“This was a really enjoyable and interesting project and I know everyone absolutely loved being part of it. The contributions were so diverse and yet everyone was fascinating. Friendships were forged and fun was had.”
Brian Molloy added:
“A very stimulating experience. We had a great bunch of participants and it was fascinating to learn their stories, as much as it was enlightening to uncover more of our own!”
Orla Duncan said:
“I loved this programme, the camaraderie from everyone, the research and instruction, the incredible support, patience and dedication, made this a thoroughly enjoyable and memorable experience.”
Free copies of Moyle Migrations will be available through Ballycastle Museum throughout the open season, as well as Ballymoney Museum, Rathlin Island Boat House, and the Visitor Information Centres in Ballycastle, Cushendall and Ballymoney.
Click here to view the digital version of Moyle Migrations

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