1613 -2013: Legacy of Plantation Project Intro

PEACEIII Cultural Fusions finale event
4th January 2019
Images of Ireland Project Intro
7th January 2019

1613 -2013: Legacy of Plantation Project Intro

Project Attributes


1613-2013 Plantation


CCGBC Museum Services


4th January 2019

The Project of Plantation

Initially titled 1613-2013 as part of Cultural Fusions Phase I, the scope of the historic sites in our landscape with their different perspectives on the complex and influential 17th century led to it being renamed The Project of Plantation.  Our methodology in this instance took participants out into the historic landscape across the cluster area where they heard about what the archaeology from the sites and the remaining ruins revealed about life and the complex history during this time.  Here were experiential opportunities to challenge commonly held understandings.  From these tours community groups were encouraged to interpret and share their 17th century histories and work alongside museum services to produce (curate) the material that has been integral to the touring exhibition.  The development of a name based learning activity along the tour as a method to support further dialogue and discussion is aiding the next steps for this project.

Project Aims
To provide opportunities to engage with current archaeological research and excavation relating to the Plantation period

To encourage a re-interpretation of the period based on new evidence and thinking

To enable dialogue and discussion around the commemoration of key historical events that have traditionally created conflict and division

To contribute towards Northern Ireland Community Relations Council and Heritage Lottery Fund “Decade of Anniversaries”

To provide new resources for the Northern Ireland Curriculum to support peace and reconciliation building
The project has delivered a series of bus tours visting sites of archaeological signifigance related to the 17th Century.
Led by archaeologist, Nick Brannon, these tours have allowed a wide range of different groups to explore their local plantation heritage.

The project has delivered a series of bus tours visting sites of archaeological signifigance related to the 17th Century.
Led by archaeologist, Nick Brannon, these tours have allowed a wide range of different groups to explore their local plantation heritage.

A booklet, produced by Nick Brannon with supporting information about each archaeological site is available to download. Click here

Project Results

An extensive programme of visits to sties of significant 17th century archaeology with a senior archaeologist delivered for a number of community groups

An extensive range of talks/discussions with community groups

Co-curation workshops with community groups delivering content for the exhibition

A major exhibition “The Project of Plantation” touring to venues across the cluster area

Learning resource publication with online support click here

North East PEACE III projects use Project of Plantation workshops and tours to support their work

Project of Plantation outputs support sensitive mainstream civic activities such as 400th anniversaries of Royal Town Charters and other Plantation anniversaries

A significant research project has uncovered evidence of the lives of characters from the period hidden in PRONI and other archives. This follows on from research carried out in the archives of The Honourable The Irish Society in London, previously commissioned by CMS.

View Project of Plantation Collection