A History of Castle Street, Ballycastle

Castle Street Ballycastle – some historical records
25th November 2024
59 Castle Street, Ballycastle
25th November 2024

A History of Castle Street, Ballycastle

Project Attributes


Ballycastle Museum


Ballycastle Museum


25th November 2024

Castle Street has long been the centre of Ballycastle. With it’s origins in Colonel Hugh Boyd’s development of the town in the 1730s and 40s, the street (then known as Main Street) hosted most of the businesses and many of Ballycastle’s larger homes. Although there have been many alterations over time, most of the buildings standing owe their origins to the 18th century boom.

This web page provides access to a database compiled as part of the development phase of the programme to restore, extend and refurbish Ballycastle Museum, made possible with the support of The National Lottery Heritage Fund. The intention was to explore, and make accessible, the history of the commercial centre of Ballycastle as a way of better understanding the social history of the town.

Our thanks to everybody who contributed to the project, many of whom are named directly as sources. A working group composed of Jill McCook, Aidan McMichael, Frances McMichael, Brigene Mc Neilly, Peter Molloy, Danny Morgan and Roger Perritt reviewed and supplemented the content over the course of several meetings. Special thanks to Jill McCook (JMcC) and Sean McMichael (SMcM) whose prior research has been incorporated into this project and has proved invaluable.

Begun in October 2023 (last updated 19/11/24), this database is intended to be a ‘living’ document that can be updated as further information comes to light. Except where indicated, all images are ©Causeway Coast and Glens Museum Services.

If you have more information or images that you would be willing to contribute to the database, we would ask you to contact us at museums@causewaycoastandglens.gov.uk.


Click on any of the buttons below to access additional resources useful for understanding the history of Castle Street, or continue down the page to access the individual building histories in the Castle Street database.

Click here to read some useful historical records relating to Castle Street Click here to watch a talk by Sean McMichael showcasing his Castle Street research, delivered as part of the 2024 Fireside Talks



The Castle Street database

**** Note that the online database is a work in progress. If you would like to see the database as a digital document, please contact Museum Services.****

This database covers both sides of Castle Street from Glentaisie Drive to the Diamond, compiling information and photographs available for each property. Rather than follow the modern numbering system directly (jumping back and forth across the street), the database lists the properties on the south side of Castle Street in numerical order (nos.25-75) before crossing to the north side of the street (nos.38-84).

Note that most businesses were also traditionally the home of the family running them. While the database identifies building use where it is recorded, our records will never give the full story of all the activities that took place on the premises.

Click on any of the properties below to find out more about the building histories.


Castle Street (south side)



Castle Street (north side)


Early 20th century photograph of Castle Street.

Early 20th century photograph of Castle Street, courtesy Barbara Harding.



Click here to find out more about the Ballycastle project