1613-2013: Commemorating Plantation First phase

1613-2013: Commemorating Plantation First phase

Project Attributes


1613-2013 Plantation


CCGBC Museum Services


4th January 2019

1613-2013: Commemorating Plantation

The 400th anniversary of Plantation has already provoked considerable debate and discussion. How should we commemorate this divisive and contentious period of our history?

The Causeway Museum Service has been working with local communities to explore the legacy of Plantation and find out how we can gain new understanding of our heritage and of each other’s identities.

‘It’s about ordinary people, hands on, discovering their history’

‘I want to go and do more, get more involved, question the facts and stories’

‘We were getting to a different period of Irish history, one that’s scary for some people. It’s about respecting each other. Yes bad things happened, but we have to move on’

‘It is important to highlight how different people/cultures are intermingled by bringing communities together to myth bust and look at the divide from a different perception’

If you would like to take part in the 1613-2013 programme, or would like to share your views on the best way to commemorate Plantation, please get in touch:

        T: (028) 7034 7234                E: cms@colerainebc.gov.uk

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