A Hellenistic king from Ballycastle? NSI (NB) talk
6th October 2020Who do you think you are? Unknown family members and DNA colour clustering
19th October 2020
This student video was part of the Reimagine Remake Replay programme delivered by the Nerve Centre at Ballymoney Museum in early 2020. The theme, storyline, scripting and production were all led by the participants themselves. Although genuine historical accounts, objects and sites are used in the video, this piece remains a work of fiction and should not be taken too seriously.
Reimagine Remake Replay is an exciting regional project allowing young people to connect with and enhance museum collections using a mix of creative media and the latest digital technologies. For more information, go to www.ReimagineRemakeReplay.org or contact Museum Services at cms@causewaycoastandglens.gov.uk.