1921-2021 – Borough residents at 100
28th January 2022Bob Morris – Modern Monarchy
4th February 2022
Have you ever wanted to tell stories but maybe just need a boost in confidence? This short course aims to celebrate the rich heritage of our local area and to give participants tips on selecting , preparing and telling stories.
Inspired by the stories collected for the Echoes of the Causeway heritage trail app, this programme of workshops will draw on local folklore and explore parallel or related stories from other cultures around the world. Participants will learn about oral history traditions and the importance of storytelling in Ireland and elsewhere. Facilitated by experienced storytellers, Liz Weir and Stephen O’Hara, the programme will provide an introduction to storytelling as a heritage practice, allowing participants to learn new skills or improve existing skills in this area.
Liz Weir MBE is Chair of the Glens Storytelling and Cultural Heritage Group. A storyteller for over 40 years, she has told stories on five continents, but her favourite place in the world is where she lives at Ballyeamon Barn near Cushendall. Her main aim is to encourage people to share stories, whether folktales or experiences from their own lives.
Stephen O’Hara is a native of Cushendun. Stephen came to storytelling via his interest in creative writing and he tells stories from Irish mythology and folklore. A retired English teacher, he has been tutoring Open College Network courses in oral storytelling with Liz Weir.
The programme will take place over four workshops on the following dates, Thursday evenings from 7pm at the Roe Valley Arts and Cultural Centre, Limavady.
24th February
3rd March
10th March
24th March
For more information or to book your place on this free programme, email cms@causewaycoastandglens.gov.uk
This project is receiving financial support via the District Council Good Relations Programme.