Mrs Craig of Moyarget

Mrs Craig of Moyarget

Mrs Craig lived with her husband behind the Masonic Hall in Moyarget, on a road known as Mc Gowan’s Brae (she was one of six Mc Gowan sisters). The other five Mc Gowan sisters married men named Mc Caughan, Hill, Mc Pherson, Mc Gowan and Mc Gowan (no relations). There was no brother to inherit the Mc Gowan family farm, so a family named Hill got it – perhaps the Hills into who’s family one Mc Gowan sister married.

Moyarget is the name of an ancient silver mine as its name may suggest airgead meaning silver in Irish.

This record was collected as part of Causeway Coast and Glens Heritage Trust’s Uncharted Histories of the Causeway Coast Project. Please click here to learn more about this project.
