Hugh Boyd’s Ballycastle Exhibition

Hugh Boyd’s Ballycastle Exhibition

This short film explores the Hugh Boyd’s Ballycastle exhibition developed by Ballycastle Historical Research Group in partnership with Causeway Museum Service. This exhibition was displayed at Ballycastle Ferry Terminal in May 2007 and was the culmination of a 3 year Heritage Lottery Funded Project that supported local historians in promoting Ballycastle heritage across the community.

This excellent film explains more about the project and some of the fascinating history it showcased. Click here to view.

This film was kindly submitted to the Uncharted Histories project by the McGill family. ©Causeway Coast and Glens Museum Services

This record was collected as part of Causeway Coast and Glens Heritage Trust’s Uncharted Histories of the Causeway Coast Project. Please click here to learn more about this project.
