On the Brink 1912- 1913 Project Intro

On the Brink 1912- 1913 Project Intro

Project Attributes


1912-1913: On the Brink


CCGBC Museum Services


7th January 2019

On the Brink 1912-1913

On the Brink was a project for secondary schools exploring a range of protest issues, including the suffragete movement and the development of trade unions, in the period leading up to partition.  Our initial original newspaper research provided a rich source of locally specific material to support our local secondary schools curriculum and enabled deeper understanding by students.

This project connected local people and places with the international social and political changes that were occurring.  Local narratives of local events were revealed that contextualised the signing of the Ulster Covenant as part of these wider international changes.

Project aims

To support students and community groups to explore key historic milestones in 1912-1913 and various perspectives on these events in order to develop an understanding of the complexity of local identity during this period.

To support participants in understanding the impact of the Home Rule crisis on local communities; the political division and allegiances that developed and grew; the militarization of politics; the real threat of civil war as a result of resistance to Home Rule (averted by the outbreak of WWI by 1914)

To explore the impact of sectarianism heightened by Home Rule politics on wider “shared” causes such as suffrage and labour disputes

To enable dialogue and discussion around the commemoration of key historical events that have traditionally created conflict and division

To contribute towards Northern Ireland Community Relations Council and Heritage Lottery Fund “Decade of Anniversaries”

To provide new locally relevant learning resources for the Northern Ireland Key Stage III history and citizenship  curriculum to support peace and reconciliation building

To enable students to explore the contemporary relevance of local events 1912-1913 in the centennial year of the signing of the Ulster Covenant.

The Workshop

This workshop presented a range of case studies,perspectives on actual events and personalities as reported in local newspapers in this period. Material from local museum collections across the North East cluster was incorporated, enabling students to map, compare and contrast the experience of living within particular communities located in
specific parts of the NE cluster in this yearDivide into groups each received a package of resources, including newspaper extracts, images and background information, relating to a particular theme. The groups will analyse and evaluate the material and piece together a coherent story. They put together a ‘news report’ with an accompanying
cartoon image and presented to the rest of the class.

Project Results

Extensive research project on local impact of and reaction to key events and milestones of 1912-13 delivered

Delivery of 20 On the Brink workshops with schools across the North East Cluster.  Students from Year 8 – Year 14 successfully participated in these workshops

Delivery of locally relevant workshop resources on Ulster Day, Suffrage, Gun Running and Labour Unrest

Considerable recognition of the value of these locally relevant resources by teachers in Key Stage III curriculum

Digital learning resource to be accessed on-line

New partnerships formed with participating schools with whom CMS and MAMS had no previous working relationship


View On The Brink collection
Emblems of Ireland learning Resource
7th January 2019
On the Brink 1912- 1913 Learning Resource
8th January 2019