Dear Diary… week ending 15th May

North West 200 Children’s Resource
13th May 2020
Causeway Coast Heritage Audit Image
Causeway Coast and Glens Local Heritage Audit
21st May 2020

Dear Diary… week ending 15th May

Visual diary, courtesy Sharman Finley.

Project Attributes




CCGBC Museum Services


18th May 2020

The 15th of May marked the end of the eighth week of the Covid-19 lockdown. We received a range of wonderful contributions to the Dear Diary project over the course of the week, a sample of which are shared below. As always, we continue to update the collection in the ARCHIVE so do click through to see what has been sent in to date. Let us know anything we’ve overloopked and fill in the local record of the the pandemic.



Chris Roberts continues to update his daily video log, capturing perfectly the mixed sense of tranquility, boredom and frustration that so man of us are experiencing. You can see all past logs in the ARCHIVE.


Reflections on the ‘new normal’

Visual diary, courtesy Sharman Finley.

Sharman Finley has permitted us to archive the visual pieces she is creating to accompany her own personal diary of the experience. We’ll continue to update the ARCHIVE with more of her work over the coming days (and weeks).


Covid 19 – My Thoughts, courtesy Mary McCrae.


Homeschooling, courtesy of Gemma Reid.

Gemma Reid sent in this take on homeschooling: “I got the kids to make a map of their experience of the pandemic … Conor in particular really grasped the idea. He did one as a solar system inspired by his favourite Xbox game at the moment, One Man Sky. You’ll see that ‘homeschool’ is a dark a toxic planet on the outer reaches of his interest!”





After eight week after the last people left the office, the space is presumed to be the home of a whole host of new staff…


If you’d like to contribute to the Dear Diary project, you can find more details HERE.