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Coleraine: Bring the Cow's Home

Bring the Cows home

Coleraine: Bring the Cow's Home

Bring the Cows home (1541)

Coleraine: Bring the Cow's Home

Bring the Cows home (1745)

Coleraine: Bring the Cow's Home

Bring the Cows home (2072)

Coleraine: Bring the Cow's Home

Bring the Cows home (2373)

Coleraine: Bring the Cow's Home

Bring the Cows home (2764)

Coleraine: Bring the Cow's Home

Bring the Cows home (3101)

Coleraine: Bring the Cow's Home

Bring the Cows home (3734)

Coleraine: Bring the Cow's Home

Bring the Cows home (4364)

Coleraine: Bring the Cow's Home

Bring the Cows home (5299)

Coleraine: Bring the Cow's Home

Bring the Cows home (5509)

Coleraine: Bring the Cow's Home

Bring the Cows home (6673)