Visit of Lord Coleraine, May 1963: Back Row- John Moore, Sam Walker, R.J. Thompson, Ron Smyth, R.W. Knox, Cyril Lee, Jack Stewart, Rex Graham, D. Lewis. Front Row- D.J. Christie, W. Craig, S.J. Henry, Lord Coleraine. (2592)

Visit of Lord Coleraine, May 1963: Back Row- John Moore, Sam Walker, R.J. Thompson, Ron Smyth, R.W. Knox, Cyril Lee, Jack Stewart, Rex Graham, D. Lewis. Front Row- D.J. Christie, W. Craig, S.J. Henry, Lord Coleraine. (2592)

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Visit of Lord Coleraine, May 1963: Back Row- John Moore, Sam Walker, R.J. Thompson, Ron Smyth, R.W. Knox, Cyril Lee, Jack Stewart, Rex Graham, D. Lewis. Front Row- D.J. Christie, W. Craig, S.J. Henry, Lord Coleraine.
