Typed letter to Sam Henry, Sandleford [Sandelford], Coleraine. Typed in red at top of page ‘Replied….4th June 1940. Sent Q’ and ‘John Cummin, Kilrau…
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Typed letter to Sam Henry, Sandleford [Sandelford], Coleraine. Typed in red at top of page 'Replied....4th June 1940. Sent Q' and 'John Cummin, Kilraughts, Commr 1715..Bolton. Phoned Rev Blair'. Handwritten in pencil at bottom of page, 'Letter Returned' and re Mrs David McMaster, Rev Hugh Smith Cunning. Mr Matthew Loughridge of the Ulster Irish Society of New York recommended Sam to help with research in County Antrim. They are looking to locate the birthplace and ancestry of Alexander Comins [Cummings]. Includes genealogical information re Alexander Comins. Asks Sam to send a bill for findings.