Page 3 of 3. Typed text for ‘Songs of the Ulster Rivers’. Submitted by Sam Henry on 25th November, 1945. Possibly rough script for proposed BBC broadc…
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Page 3 of 3. Typed text for 'Songs of the Ulster Rivers'. Submitted by Sam Henry on 25th November, 1945. Possibly rough script for proposed BBC broadcast - see CM:2017:1501. Mentions songs - T's Pretty to be in Ballinderry; The Sweet Bann Water; The Woods of Mountsandel; The Glenshesk Waterside; Lovely Armoy; Adieu to the Banks of the Roe; The Faughan Side; In Derry Vale; The Winding Banks of Erne; The Bann Waterside; Where Moyola Waters Flow; The Beauties of the Braid; Dobbin's Flowery Vale and Lurgan Stream.