Page 2 of 2. Handwritten letter to Sam Henry from Nora Ni Cartáin. Writing re review of her book. She preferred Sam’s review best of all compared…
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Page 2 of 2. Handwritten letter to Sam Henry from Nora Ni Cartáin. Writing re review of her book. She preferred Sam's review best of all compared to the Irish News, the Irish Independent, the Derry Journal and the Cross, who all gave 'splendid reviews'. Has sent a copy of the Constitution to her publisher, Brian O'Higgins. Mentions a negative review from a reviewer in the Derry Journal. Asks who wrote about daffodils lighting up the grass. Asks Sam if he is an admirer of Moira O'Neill and if he knows Ethna Catbery's "Four Winds of Eireann". Heard Sam on the wireless and especially enjoyed the tin whistle. Refers to Joe Kelly who promises to take down some 'Screen airs for you.