Page 1 of 5. Handwritten letter (first four pages double sided) to Sam Henry. Marked as private. Writing re the reconstitution of the Airs of Ulster s…

Page 1 of 5. Handwritten letter (first four pages double sided) to Sam Henry. Marked as private. Writing re the reconstitution of the Airs of Ulster s…

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Page 1 of 5. Handwritten letter (first four pages double sided) to Sam Henry. Marked as private. Writing re the reconstitution of the Airs of Ulster scheme at the B.B.C. Mentions people - Sutthery, Brennan and Redmond Friel, Joan Trimble, Ogilvie, Jacobson. Also writes re the publishing of a book. Himself and Hessie attended the Ideal Home Exhibition and met Sam's uncle, Mr Davis.
