Page 1 of 3. Copy of a typed letter from Sam Henry to John Brewster. Responding with genealogical research to John Brewster’s letter of 10th April, 19…

Page 1 of 3. Copy of a typed letter from Sam Henry to John Brewster. Responding with genealogical research to John Brewster’s letter of 10th April, 19…

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Page 1 of 3. Copy of a typed letter from Sam Henry to John Brewster. Responding with genealogical research to John Brewster's letter of 10th April, 1936. Provides information on Brewsters of Coleraine area. Encloses transcription of Brewster tombstone in Camus graveyard near Coleraine. Sam notes that he visited the oldest inhabitant of Glenhall, Coleraine - Tom Kidd aged around 85.

