Page 1 of 2. Typed information re the origin on the song name ‘Fiddler’s Green’. ‘The Wearing of the Green’ handwritten in pencil at top of page. Song…

Page 1 of 2. Typed information re the origin on the song name ‘Fiddler’s Green’. ‘The Wearing of the Green’ handwritten in pencil at top of page. Song…

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Page 1 of 2. Typed information re the origin on the song name 'Fiddler's Green'. 'The Wearing of the Green' handwritten in pencil at top of page. Song lyrics. Appear to be from Micky McAtamny, Moneysharvin, Maghera. Lyrics sectarian in nature. Mentions Lismoyle, Killymuck, Swateragh, Moyletra, Mullingar, the Pope and Orangemen.
