Handwritten letter, double sided, to Sam Henry. Refers to a song, ‘Fisher’ sent by Sam. States that his son writes for the sporting papers. Encloses p… – scan136b

Handwritten letter, double sided, to Sam Henry. Refers to a song, ‘Fisher’ sent by Sam. States that his son writes for the sporting papers. Encloses p… – scan136b

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Handwritten letter, double sided, to Sam Henry. Refers to a song, 'Fisher' sent by Sam. States that his son writes for the sporting papers. Encloses photograph of himself. Refers to a Scots version of '699'. Refers to a song which isn't in Sharp's collection which he thinks was written by a lady and derived from a harmonica background. Also refers to 'T for Thomas' song which the Folksong Society claim is a Gloucestershire song.
