Handwritten letter, double sided, to Sam Henry. Dated 22nd June, 1925. Apologises for late reply. Gives thanks for being treated well when in Colerain… – img321b
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Handwritten letter, double sided, to Sam Henry. Dated 22nd June, 1925. Apologises for late reply. Gives thanks for being treated well when in Coleraine. Apologises for the twin photographs which were sent with an article Margaret was writing. He thinks the 'story' will show on 1st July. Pleased Olive hasn't forgotten him and sends her a book of verse with poems in it. Asks Sam if will be travelling to London next as he would like to take Sam to the P.E.N Club. Lists the members of the club. Glad Sam likes 'The Pet Sheep'. Includes a poem by Hodgson. Hopes to use Sam's "Fine Broom Besoms" in one of his plays.