Songs of the People article of a tonic sol-fa notation and words to song titled, ‘No. 591 – Two Lullabies’. No. 1 – Heezh Ba from Mrs Brownlow, Ballyl…

Songs of the People article of a tonic sol-fa notation and words to song titled, ‘No. 591 – Two Lullabies’. No. 1 – Heezh Ba from Mrs Brownlow, Ballyl…

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Songs of the People article of a tonic sol-fa notation and words to song titled, 'No. 591 - Two Lullabies'. No. 1 - Heezh Ba from Mrs Brownlow, Ballylaggan, Cloyfin, Coleraine. No. 2- Hush Alee taken down from Miss Annie Patterson, who learnt it from her mother, a native of Loughan, Coleraine.
